The Girl Genius Exorcism Engines campaign medal Kickstarter is now live!
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 02:48:13 PM
Hello everyone! I'm back from the beyond to tell you that I'm playing catch-up with our traditional campaign medals, and currently have a new Kickstarter campaign running for the Girl Genius Vol. 20: Exorcism Engines "Aetheric Machinist First Class" limited medal, as well as the "Official Animal of the Party" limited medal for Volume 21 "An Entertainment in Londinium." We also have two non-limited edition medals this year, in the form of the Emperor and Empress of All Cats. I hope you'll visit the new campaign!
Thank you all so much--
Girl Genius Volume 20: The Exorcism Engines International Shipments are On the Way!
5 months ago
– Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 06:23:40 PM
I was traveling for half of July and missed the July update! I’m very sorry about that. Now it’s August, and I have good news, so here I am!
Except for the International backers who specifically told us via our form to combine their shipment with volume 21. But otherwise, yes, everything has been sent! Finally! Thank you all for your patience, and certainly let us know if anything goes awry.
If you need to contact us, don’t post in the comments here; it’s too easy to miss things we need to help with. Please contact us through our official page at
After this, I’ll be moving the monthly updates to the Volume 21 Kickstarter campaign. Of course, I’ll still post updates here when there is something new to say.
Thank you all for your patience and support! I hope you continue to enjoy Girl Genius!
And now, a recap of June’s update because I want to keep the information at the top of the pile:
This campaign is quite old, and nearly everything has been shipped. If you’re one of the majority of backers who already have all your stuff, then you’re set, and you don’t need to read the rest of this unless you’re bored. It’s all info for the backers affected by end-of-the-campaign issues.
So, we’re almost done with the campaign, but there are a few things still in play, so I’ll go over the basics just to catch up. If you have any questions or problems that need handling, don’t post in the comments here; it’s too easy to miss things we need to help with. Please contact us through our official page at And now—
All the rewards for backers in the USA shipped long ago, except for the one backer who just filled out their pledge manager. Thank you! That one went out last week and has probably even arrived by now.
We had an inventory mistake, and now we have to reprint Volume 12. A very small number of USA backers are affected. There should have been a note with an apology and extra treat in your original shipment, but it’s been a while, so I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I haven’t forgotten! Volume 12 will be reprinted along with Volume 21, at which point I’ll make sure I have everyone’s updated addresses and ship them out. I am so sorry about this!
Some international backers for Volume 20 have chosen to combine it with their Volume 21 package. Right now, I’m working on setting up the BackerKit pledge manager for Volume 21. My plan is go in and credit those accounts for the amount they’ve already paid in postage before I send out the BackerKit links. I’m a little nervous about that, so I’ll try to be careful not to mess it up somehow. If there turns out to be any problem, please let me know so I can take care of it.
The combined packages are scheduled to ship from TopatoCo once the new volumes of the book are printed.
I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve had with this campaign. I’ll be working hard to make sure none of these problems happen again! I will now be updating here whenever there’s something to say, but I will move the monthly updates to the Volume 21 campaign.
Thank you so much, everyone!
June Update for Girl Genius Volume 20: The Exorcism Engines
7 months ago
– Fri, Jun 07, 2024 at 07:28:22 PM
Hello again!
This campaign is quite old, and nearly everything has been shipped. If you’re one of the majority of backers who already have all your stuff, then you’re set, and you don’t need to read the rest of this unless you’re bored. It’s all info for the backers affected by end-of-the-campaign issues.
So, we’re almost done with the campaign, but there are a few things still in play, so I’ll go over everything just to catch up. If you have any questions or problems that need handling, don’t post in the comments here; it’s too easy to miss things we need to help with. Please contact us through our official page at And now—
All the rewards for backers in the USA shipped long ago, except for the shipment to that one backer who just filled out their pledge manager. Thank you! That one went out last week and has probably even arrived by now.
We had an inventory mistake, and now we have to reprint Volume 12. An email update about that went out today to the small number of USA backers who are affected. There should have been a note with an apology and extra treat in your original shipment, but it’s been a while, so I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I haven’t forgotten!
A small number of International shipments were delayed, but they will be going out soon. The packages are being sent from TopatoCo, the people who handle our online company store. If there are any problems, you can write to us and we’ll take care of it.
If you are one of those international backers: I’ve set the addresses on BackerKit to lock in two days. Until then, you can make address changes in your BackerKit account. You will need to use the email address you used in the campaign. You should be getting an email from BackerKit with a personalized link, but if you don’t, you can use this link to get into your account.
Some of the international backers who are still waiting for their Volume 20 shipment have chosen to combine it with their Volume 21 package. Right now, I’m working on setting up the BackerKit pledge manager for Volume 21. My plan is go in and credit those accounts for the amount they’ve already paid in postage before I send out the BackerKit links. I’m a little nervous about that, so I’ll try to be careful not to mess it up somehow. If there turns out to be any problem, please let me know so I can take care of it.
The combined packages are scheduled to ship from TopatoCo once the new volumes of the book are printed.
I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve had with this campaign. I’ll be working hard to make sure none of these problems happen again! I’ll be posting monthly updates here for a while longer until I know that the last of the immediate international shipments have gone out. After that, updates will go to "whenever there’s something to say." I hope to have this campaign settled soon!
Thank you so much, everyone!
Our latest Girl Genius Kickstarter campaign ends tonight!
9 months ago
– Wed, May 01, 2024 at 10:23:08 AM
The campaign is for Volume 21 of Girl Genius: An Entertainment in Londinium. We have also met several stretch goals for reprinting some of the books. Rewards include our now-beloved Envelope of Madness, which is full of goodies and goes to every backer at levels containing a book. For backers at the $10 and up level, we have the PDF Pile, which currently contains PDF versions of Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 12-21. Its contents may grow as we hit more stretch goals.
Thank you everyone!
Shipping the last of the International rewards for Volume 20 The Exorcism Engines:
All USA rewards for this campaign have shipped. Most of the International rewards have also shipped, but we had money problems this year and will ship the last batch as soon as the funds come in from the Volume 21 Kickstarter: sometime in late May. I am so sorry for the delay! I feel terrible about it. I'll of course post here again when those last items ship.
Combining Vol. 20 and Vol. 21 shipments:
Some backers have asked to combine their volumes 20 and 21 shipments. Yes, I'll figure out a way to do that, and we are grateful to those who are giving us another chance. I'll probably have to do some hands-on work to adjust the shipping cost on your current pledge manager form, so if you want to combine shipments, please use the Kickstarter form on our contact page at to let me know.
You can also use that form if your shipping address has changed. Please don't post about it here, comments on Kickstarter campaigns are notoriously easy to miss. Using the form to email us means we can keep better track of who I need to work with. If we don't hear from you by 5 May, 2024 I'll go ahead and ship your Exorcism Engines rewards as soon as I can.
Girl Genius Volume 20 Exorcism Engines April update: mostly for backers outside the USA
9 months ago
– Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 06:05:31 PM
Current News:
Hello again! Phil and I will be in San Francisco at the Laughing Dragon Magic the Gathering event this weekend, April 19-21. Also, our current Kickstarter for Girl Genius Volume 21: An Entertainment in Londinium has funded! This means that I have some good news regarding the last of the International shipments from this campaign:
Shipping the last of the International rewards:
All USA rewards for this campaign have shipped. Most of the International rewards have also shipped, but we had money problems this year and will ship the last batch as soon as the funds come in from the Volume 21 Kickstarter: sometime in late May. I am so sorry for the delay! I feel terrible about it. I'll of course post here again when those last items ship.
Combining Vol. 20 and Vol. 21 shipments:
Some backers have asked to combine their volumes 20 and 21 shipments. Yes, I'll figure out a way to do that, and we are grateful to those who are giving us another chance. I'll probably have to do some hands-on work to adjust the shipping cost on your current pledge manager form, so if you want to combine shipments, please use the Kickstarter form on our contact page at to let me know.
You can also use that form if your shipping address has changed. Please don't post about it here, comments on Kickstarter campaigns are notoriously easy to miss. Using the form to email us means we can keep better track of who I need to work with. If we don't hear from you by 5 May, 2024 I'll go ahead and ship your Exorcism Engines rewards as soon as I can.
Vol. 21 Kickstarter stretch goals, questions, and replies:
Also please keep in mind that not only are Phil and I working a convention this weekend, but our email helper Chris is busy with a family trip this week as well, so we might not get around to updating Kickstarter stretch goals or answering questions until sometime next week.
Thank you for your patience with us, and, as always, thank you!