
Girl Genius Graphic Novel and Kickstarter Extras for 2022!

Created by Studio Foglio

Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE! The next volume of Phil & Kaja Foglio's acclaimed graphic novel series!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

End November 2023 Girl Genius Update
about 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 10:14:35 PM

As of Mid-October, all shipments for the USA have gone out. We’ve sent out most of our International shipments as well, but there are still a couple hundred packages left to ship, and I have to beg for your patience with those. I will get them sent, and I am very sorry for all the trouble, but it’s going to take me a little more time to get the money together for all the postage. I was really hoping I could get everything shipped this month but then this new problem came up.

I try very hard to keep the shipping low, but International shipping is ridiculously expensive, and so once again we undercharged for this campaign. Plus the post office has once again raised the rates. Combine that with some unexpected cash flow and medical problems we had this year, the result is that I don’t have the money to ship anything else right now. I know I can get the rest shipped, but it’s going to take a little time to get the money. I feel terrible about this, and I will keep posting updates here to let you know how things are going.

I might have to do the next Kickstarter campaign soon just to keep our insurance and employees paid. If I do that before the last of the packages ship, I will figure out some perk for those of you who are still waiting for your books. I’ll also figure out a way to combine shipping to any of you who may still want to back for Volume 21 although I don’t blame you if you don’t want to.

The good news is that I have confidence in our work and a lot of ideas to improve our cash flow in the future so I hope I can do a better job from here on out. Please remember that we have always got our rewards shipped, even when it takes a long time. I’ll do my best for you!


I’ve set up to sell all the original art that we’ve been letting pile up for the last 15 years or so, and that’s also where I’m putting together a mailing list for a Studio Foglio newsletter if you’d like to sign up for it. I’m not sure when the first installment of that will go out, but I hope soon. I’ve also been streaming on Twitch (I'm ProfessoressaFoglio) to help promote the new Girl Genius Adventures in Castle Heterodyne game, it’s been a lot of fun.

Ok, that’s everything for now, and I’m sorry it’s not better news. I’ll still be packing and shipping the last International packages as money comes in, so watch your email inbox for tracking number messages. And I’ll be working hard to get the rest of this project taken care of. Thank you all so much for your support, I’m sorry I’m not better at this.

All my best—


Girl Genius Exorcism Engines Update for October 2023
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 05:28:14 PM

Happy Halloween!

A bit of good news: All the shipments for the USA have gone out!

I'm working steadily on the remaining International shipments, I’m so sorry it’s taking so long. I’ll get you all your books.

Shipstation told me they’d fixed the label problem, but it turned out to be more complicated than they or I thought. It’s been a huge hassle but it should all be sorted out now. I hope. I'll keep you up to date as I work.

Thank you for your patience!


End September 2023 Girl Genius Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 05:04:00 PM

Nothing to do with Girl Genius or Kickstarter, just a fun picture to make the email worth getting! Cheers!

Hello again!

First of all: International backers: If you need us to update your address, please let us know through our contact form. I’ve already exported the addresses from BackerKit to my shipping software, so changes in BackerKit will no longer affect where a shipment is sent. So we need to be told through the form.

Some International backers got an email yesterday from BackerKit saying "last call to update" for addresses. I pushed a button I shouldn’t have, I'm sorry about that. Please use the form rather than BackerKit! I’m very sorry for the inconvenience and for how long this is taking me.

It will take me a while to work through the rest of the International packing, so if you need an address change, let me know! It might not be too late.

Shipstation fixed the problem with International labels, so now I can print them again. They're great!

As for shipments within the USA: all but 27 of those have gone out! That last 27 is waiting for some boxes from the TopatoCo warehouse to arrive here at our Studio. When they get here, sometime next week I’m told, I’ll be able to finish all the USA shipments.

I am currently sending out emails to fulfillment helpers and planning our next campaign so I don’t have to do the whole thing myself. I know that’s what I said last time, but things didn’t work out for me then. Maybe if I plan ahead more I can make it work this time. Argh.

Ok, back to work for me. Oh, I made a new SquareSpace commerce site to sell our original art, it's at I've been listing things there when I need a break from packing.

Thanks, everybody!


Mid-September 2023 Girl Genius Shipping Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 01:59:24 PM

Agatha from the comic Girl Genius bringing snack into a room where the two small clanks are playing a video game
I made a new downloadable wallpaper! Tiny Gamers!

BACKERS OUTSIDE THE USA: please make sure I have your proper address! I know it’s been a while, and people do move around. I’m very sorry. The early part of this year wasn’t kind to me and I’m doing my best to get everyone’s rewards out.

Also, I have a new wallpaper featuring the Castle and the Train playing the new game!

As usual, it's in various sizes for you to download:

Tiny Gamers:




and for devices and phones:



Or, you can download a zipped archive file of all of them!

I made this to post on our Patreon, but I like to share things like this here as well, since you’re also important supporters of the Studio and I appreciate you!

My newest hassle: International stuff stalled because Shipstation is giving me an error when I try to buy postage. I’m talking to them now to get it fixed. Don’t worry, we’ll get it sorted out, but it means I had to set the remaining International packing aside and work directly on finishing all the USA stuff. I’m almost done with that, it should only take a few more days of intense work to get the rest of it out. I’ll post another update when it’s done!

Ok, I’m off to keep packing. I really want those USA shipments out. I’m in the middle of a group of BIG packages and they take a long time to assemble. I kind of wanted to post a picture of me working at the packing table, but my hair’s all wet and up in a scarf and I look…uh… not great. So I’ll stick with the picture of cute little clanks playing games.

Thanks, everybody!


Girl Genius Exorcism Engines Update for August 2023
over 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 08:22:31 PM

Well. I still have some stuff to ship. This month there’s been a lot going on, I’ve been working every minute except for the time we took out to fly off and get our youngest kid settled at college. Which was exhausting and terrifying all wrapped into one fun package.

I’ll be working PAX this weekend. The Girl Genius AiCH video game from Rain Games launches on September 5, and we’ll be promoting it doing a launch event stream. I don’t actually know what time that’ll be yet, but I’ll post it when I know. I’m ProfessoressaFoglio on Twitch, and I have my schedule up so I’ll add it there. Then I’ll be back to finishing up the shipping, and I don’t think there’s anything else that will get in the way of that. Until the Holidays roll around. Ugh, I HAVE to be done with this by THEN. 

Thank you all for your patience with me, I’m so sorry this is taking so long. I’ll post a longer update next time, but I am wiped out and have to get up early. Thanks again!
