
Girl Genius Graphic Novel and Kickstarter Extras for 2022!

Created by Studio Foglio

Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE! The next volume of Phil & Kaja Foglio's acclaimed graphic novel series!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

December Girl Genius Update! Happy New Year!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 11:11:00 PM

Hello everyone! I'm sorry this update is later than usual, it's been a busy month and the time slipped away. It's Christmas eve here and I've got a lot going on, but right now I'm taking the chance to sit down for a minute. 

Packing is going slowly at the moment but will really kick into gear in January, so we're still on our stated schedule, even though I would have liked to have shipped sooner. When the currently running story of the dragon Franz and his adventurer friends is finished, I'll add a PDF of that to your PDF pile as thanks for your patience. (And now I'd better make a note of that so I don't forget.) It turns out it's going to be its own book, so that's a fun surprise, even to us.

The USPS has raised the domestic rates significantly over the winter holiday season, so I'm getting the thousands of packages that need to go out prepped to ship right after the rates are lowered  to a mere expensive rather than horrific.  To our Canadian and overseas backers, those rates don't affect your packages, the rates for those are ridiculous all year round. We're constantly having to tell people "Yes, they really do charge us that much and often more. No, we are not making money on shipping charges." We understand that the shipping charges are awful. We do appreciate so much the people who want to support us, we love you for it, but all the support doesn't have to be from crowdfunding and we understand if people don't want that level of expense! Just reading our work and telling your friends about it is a kind of support we love, it really helps us out so much. Spreading the word that we even exist is still one of our greatest challenges, partially because just making the comic and getting the books printed already takes up so much of our time. Advertising? What's that?

I hope you all have a wonderful end of the year, whatever you're up to! I'll get the January update going earlier, and I hope I'll have a lot more to say. 

Happy New Year, everyone!


November 2022 Update: We're almost set to begin shipping!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 01:05:15 AM

Well! The printer has turned the books around much more quickly than we expected! Sharp-eyed backers will remember that our stated shipping date is January 2023, and although I beg you all to NOT count on getting your rewards in time for the various Winter holidays, we expect to begin shipping sometime next week—much earlier than we’d planned! We are still putting together the Envelopes of Madness but there are plenty of packages that we can now begin to ship that don’t need the EoM.

I’ll be locking down the addresses group by group, over time, WITH EMAIL NOTICE. This means that before I ship your reward you’ll get an email notification and a couple of days for that one last chance to review and update your shipping address. These notices won’t go out all at once, I’ll lock addresses by small package groups as we pack and ship. Until your address is locked you can always change it bylogging in to BackerKit with the email address you used for the Kickstarter campaign. Here’s the link:

Our BackerKit preorder store remains open for the time being, as does the preorder store for Rain Games’ Girl Genius video game for Steam and the Nintendo Switch.

And now, I’m off to work on getting you all your books!

Thank you so much—


Actually, you can still update your shipping address directly in Backerkit!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 06:34:17 AM

I've just looked again at BackerKit and realized that I can still let everyone just log in and update their addresses themselves. I feel silly. You'll need to log in with the address you used to backed the campaign. Here’s the link:

The "contacting us" methods listed in the previous update also work just fine, and I'm busy making the changes for those of you who have already written in. Thank you all for your quick responses, and for double-checking when you're not sure! We very very much appreciate it. I'm sending a confirmation reply to let you know I've made the changes, so you know your email wasn't lost.

When I do go to fully lock the addresses, all our backers will get a warning email in case a last-minute change is needed.

Thanks, everyone!


If your mailing address has changed please use the link below to let us know!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 05:16:59 AM

Hello everyone--

TLDR: Please let us know if your address has changed! DO NOT just post it in the comments here on Kickstarter, we might not see it. Please use the contact form or write to us at [email protected]. Thank you!

Longer version:

I know I said not to expect shipping until January, but in some cases I'll be shipping sooner than that, starting early next week.  So please, if you've moved since you filled out your BackerKit info, or need your rewards shipped to a new address, use our contact form to let us know ASAP!

The books aren't here yet but the last of the stickers just came in and I'm getting ready to pack and ship the original art.  When the Arch-Nemesis cards get here we can build the Envelopes of Madness, and the books are on their way to us but that may take a while. I'll keep you up to date!

Thank you, and have a lovely Halloween!


p.s. If you need to contact us for any reason, please don’t rely on comments or social media, where things can often be overlooked. Please use our handy customer service form or write to us at [email protected]. Thank you!

Aaand it wouldn’t be an update without the reminder that you can find and complete your BackerKit pledge manager by going to this URL and logging in with the email address you used for the Kickstarter campaign. Here’s the link:

Backers at levels WITHOUT physical rewards can safely ignore/delete the email reminders about the BackerKit pledge manager. Unless we need your address and shipping payment, you don’t need to do anything further than accept our gratitude and thanks.

An October Update for Girl Genius: The Exorcism Engines, and Other News
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 11:48:28 PM

Hello, and happy October, everyone! Yesterday was Phil’s and my 29th wedding anniversary, and it was a lovely day.

Here’s a bit of news about all the current Foglio-flavored Kickstarters!


The “Foglio Portfoglio 2” Magic the Gathering playmats and prints campaign is underway, with two weeks to go. They’ve funded and are now into stretch goals, which include letting the backers vote on what artwork to do next! My “Rainbow Vale” card art was just chosen, and I’m flattered!

This campaign, from Original Magic Art, is the second they’ve done featuring our work. The first was fantastic, we signed a living-room full of playmats and prints. It was madness. The campaign ends on Tuesday, October 18 so if you’re wanting one of our prints or playmats, be sure to wander on over!


As for the Girl Genius, Exorcism Engines Kickstarter, there still isn’t anything new to say. Everything is still on track and running along well. The book files are at the printer and work on the Envelopes of Madness is underway. The EoMs are a huge undertaking, the paper goods come from a variety of sources and when they’re all in the signing of bookplates and assembling of envelopes begins. I’m about halfway through signing the 20,000 (Twenty Thousand) bookplates needed for this campaign! It’s a good thing there’s a solid backlog of movies I haven’t seen. Oh, and the BackerKit store for this campaign is here, if you missed it.


And of course, there’s Rain Games’ BackerKit store at Rain Games’s shop is where you can order a physical copy of the upcoming Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne video game, which is looking absolutely fantastic!



Aaand it wouldn’t be a monthly update without the reminder that you can find and complete your BackerKit pledge manager by going to this URL and logging in with the email address you used for the Kickstarter campaign. Here’s the link:

Backers at levels WITHOUT physical rewards can safely ignore/delete the email reminders about the BackerKit pledge manager. Unless we need your address and shipping payment, you don’t need to do anything further than accept our gratitude and thanks.

AS FOR THE PDFS: Download links for the PDF Pile at were sent out on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. If you didn't get yours, please check your spam folders. If your email isn't there, (it's from DriveThru, not Studio Foglio) let us know at [email protected] and we can send you a new one. Don't post in the comments, we might miss it.

Thank you everyone, I’ll be back later when there’s news to tell!
